Researching violins for the powerful sequel

Writing stunningly beautiful descriptions of musical performance takes a lot of hard work!

Annette researching at Hunter Valley Violins 22 Nov 2014

Annette researching at
Hunter Valley Violins
22 Nov 2014

Today Annette Young, who is an accomplished pianist and competent cellist, visited luthier David Robertson at Hunter Valley Violins in Newcastle, to continue researching the world of violins, bow-holds, strings and playing techniques.

The sequel to A Distant Prospect propels some of her characters and plot into 1930s Europe, with an important thread involving string musicians in Vienna just before the Anschluss of Austria by Germany under Adolf Hitler.

Since August 2013, along with extensive reading about the period and the key players, Annette has practised violin every day, and even snatches moments from her sons’ violin lessons at the Maitland campus of Newcastle Conservatorium of Music to get extra tips!

Hunter Valley Violins, Newcastle

Hunter Valley Violins, Newcastle

The story arc of the sequel is complete, and about a third of the dialogue scenes have been drafted. The story pulls no punches in a dark era of world history, with moments of great courage, despair, ingenuity and hope.

And of course it is filled with poignant and uplifting musical writing, just like the original tale.

Why not make a gift of A Distant Prospect for someone this Christmas? Ask at your favourite local bookseller, or buy using the links above, in paperback, large print hardcover, Kindle or Kobo editions.

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