Blood Letting #2: I know there’s no beryllium sphere…Calling Discerning Readers

By Violence Unavenged is finished! That is, it’s in a state fit enough to be read by someone other than the author. I’ve gone over the manuscript dozens of times, culling words, piecing the plot, developing characters and settings; honing, honing, honing…

Readers… that crowd of friendly, intelligent aliens fighting their own battles, who see your work as a beacon of hope. They usually know more than you do, so you’ve got to give them something good. And they have the advantage of discernment; for by the time the author has finished a first good draft, she has practically lost the plot. After 170,000 words (don’t worry, it was 190,000), one is a little word weary.

So, if the quality of this prose leaves something to be desired, please forgive me.

Anyway, I hope I haven’t disappointed with By Violence Unavenged. 

If you would like to be a Beta Reader, that is, a reader who gets first glimpse of the work before publication in order to give constructive and informed feedback (not, ‘It was really good/bad’ and nothing more – I’ve spent five years on this!) then I would love to hear from you! Message me (in under 100 words) at, and I will choose maybe five or six readers.