
What does a writer do when she is missing her characters? In this case, Annette sits in the stands at Bellerive during the Sheffield Shield cricket match between the Tasmanian Tigers and the NSW Blues and makes copious notes for the sequel of A Distant Prospect! Watch this space.

Sequel underway!

Lucy and her father speak Irish quite a bit in A Distant Prospect, requiring Annette to study the language in order to write it. Some of the funniest moments in the book see Lucy blurt out something in Irish in mixed company. Here’s an Irish grace before meals: Beannaigh sinne, […]

Beannaigh sinne, a Dhia

Men in the trenches awaiting the attack at Fromelles 19 July 1916
The 1914-18 Great War had long-lasting effects on Australia, including the families of our four string quartet members in A Distant Prospect. As the Australian War Memorial’s official synopsis of Australian involvement in World War I recounts, “For Australia, as for many nations, the First World War remains the most […]

Australia and the Great War

Sub tuum Presidium papyrus 250-280 AD
Since many modern readers will be unfamiliar with them, we hope you will find it useful to have several posts and links about this and other prayers and expressions in the book. The Sub tuum praesidium may be the oldest Christian prayer dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, with this Greek […]

Sub tuum praesidium